D++ (DPP)
C++ Discord API Bot Library
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Namespace List
Here is a list of all namespaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 NdppThe main namespace for D++ functions. classes and types
 Ncache_policyContains a set of predefined cache policies for use when constructing a dpp::cluster
 NcolorsPredefined color constants
 NdetailImplementation details for internal use only
 Nevent_routerInternal cogwheels for dpp::event_router_t
 Nstd_coroutineAlias for either std or std::experimental depending on compiler and library. Used by coroutine implementation
 Nwhen_anyInternal cogwheels for dpp::when_any
 Nembed_typeRepresents possible values for the dpp::embed type field. These are loosely defined by the API docs and do not influence how the client renders embeds
 NeventsThe events namespace holds the internal event handlers for each websocket event. These are handled internally and also dispatched to the user code if the event is hooked
 Nunicode_emojiEmoji unicodes
 NutilityUtility helper functions, generally for logging, running programs, time/date manipulation, etc
D++ Library version 9.0.13D++ Library version 9.0.12D++ Library version 9.0.11D++ Library version 9.0.10D++ Library version 9.0.9D++ Library version 9.0.8D++ Library version 9.0.7D++ Library version 9.0.6D++ Library version 9.0.5D++ Library version 9.0.4D++ Library version 9.0.3D++ Library version 9.0.2D++ Library version 9.0.1D++ Library version 9.0.0D++ Library version 1.0.2D++ Library version 1.0.1D++ Library version 1.0.0